Wednesday, October 15, 2014

"Greed" Hurting News/Talk Radio

Paul Kengor
Dr. Paul Kengor, professor of political science and executive director of The Center for Vision & Values at Grove City College, says 'greed" is hurting the News/Talk Format.

Writing for Human Events, Kengor maintains conservative talk-radio is in peril because of conservative greed—and not because of the greed of the millions of conservative faithful who’ve lent their hearts and minds and ears.

"It’s no secret what’s happening. There’s simply too much advertising on conservative talk-radio. Year after year, it gets worse. Anytime I tune in, I land on a litany of commercials. Commercials, commercials, commercials. Yes, you need advertising to pay the bills, but this is way over-the-top. It’s unlistenable."

Kengor cits one of the top shows in the nation in the 3-6 p.m. slot, which he leave leave nameless. He says he used to listen daily. Now, Kengor occasionally check in around 5:08, "when the host finally starts the hour. He provides about 14 minutes of content before going to a long break that doesn’t bring him back until about 5:27. At that point, he typically says something like, 'Okay, when we come back….'  He leaves for another marathon of advertisements (and some news) that doesn’t end until around 5:37. The cycle repeats through the show’s end.

There can’t be more than 33 minutes of actual program per hour. It’s obscene. Why would anyone listen to this?"

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